Submitted Manuscripts
L. Carai and T. Moraschini. On the universal theory of the free pseudocomplemented distributive lattice. (pdf)
D. Fornasiere and T. Moraschini. Trees and spectra of Heyting algebras. (pdf)
L. Carai, M. Kurtzhals, and T. Moraschini. Epimorphisms between finitely generated algebras. (pdf)
Journal papers
36. M. Martins and T. Moraschini. Local tabularity is decidable for bi-intermediate logics of trees and of co-trees. Annals of Pure and Applied Logic, 2025. (pdf)
35. G. Bezhanishvili, N. Bezhanishvili, and T. Moraschini. Degrees of the finite model property: the antidichotomy theorem. Journal of Mathematical Logic, 2025. (pdf)
34. T. Hyttinen, M. Martins, T. Moraschini, and D. Quadrellaro. Strictly n-finite varieties of Heyting algebras. To appear in the Journal of Symbolic Logic, 2024. (pdf)
33. N. Bezhanishvili, M. Martins, and T. Moraschini. Bi-intermediate logics of trees and co-trees. Annals of Pure and Applied Logic, 2024. (pdf)
32. T. Moraschini, K. Yamamoto, and J.J. Wannenburg. Elementary equivalence in positive logic via prime products. Journal of Symbolic Logic, 2023. (pdf)
31. D. Fornasiere and T. Moraschini. Intuitionistic Sahlqvist theory for deductive systems. Journal of Symbolic Logic, 2023. (pdf)
30. N. Bezhanishvili, A. Dmitrieva, J. de Groot and T. Moraschini. Positive Modal Logic Beyond Distributivity. Annals of Pure and Applied Logic, 2023. (pdf)
29. R. Jansana and T. Moraschini. The poset of all logics II: Leibniz classes and hierarchy. Journal of Symbolic Logic, 2023. (pdf)
28. N. Bezhanishvili and T. Moraschini. Hereditarily structurally complete intermediate logics: Citkin's Theorem via duality. Studia Logica, 2023. (pdf)
27. T. Moraschini. On equational completeness theorems. Journal of Symbolic Logic, 2022. (pdf)
26. T. Lávička, T. Moraschini and J.G. Raftery. The Algebraic Significance of Weak Excluded Middle Laws. Mathematical Logic Quarterly, 2022. (pdf)
25. J. Gispert, Z. Haniková, T. Moraschini, and M. Stronkowski. Structural completeness in many-valued logics with rational constants. Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic, 2022. (pdf)
24. G. Bezhanishvili, N. Bezhanishvili, T. Moraschini, and M. Stronkowski. Profiniteness and representability of spectra of Heyting algebras. Advances in Mathematics, 2021. (pdf)
23. R. Jansana and T. Moraschini. The poset of all logics I: Interpretations and lattice structure. Journal of Symbolic Logic, 2021. (pdf)
22. R. Jansana and T. Moraschini. The poset of all logics III: Finitely presentable logics. Studia Logica, 2021. (pdf)
21. T. Moraschini, J.G. Raftery, and J.J. Wannenburg. Epimorphisms in varieties of subidempotent residuated structures. Algebra Universalis, 2021. (pdf)
20. S. Bonzio, T. Moraschini, and M. Pra Baldi. Logics of left variable inclusion and Plonka sums of matrices. Archive for Mathematical Logic, 2021. (pdf)
19. T. Moraschini, J.G. Raftery, and J.J. Wannenburg. Singly generated quasivarieties and residuated structures. Mathematical Logic Quarterly, 2020. (pdf)
18. T. Moraschini and J.J. Wannenburg. Epimorphisms in varieties of Heyting algebras. Annals of Pure and Applied Logic, 2020. (pdf)
17. T. Moraschini, J.G. Raftery, and J.J. Wannenburg. Varieties of De Morgan monoids: covers of atoms. Review of Symbolic Logic, 2020. (pdf)
16. T. Moraschini. On the complexity of the Leibniz hierarchy. Annals of Pure and Applied Logic, 2019. (pdf)
15. T. Moraschini. Varieties of positive modal algebras and structural completeness. Review of Symbolic Logic, 2019. (pdf)
14. T. Moraschini, J.G. Raftery, and J.J. Wannenburg. Varieties of De Morgan monoids: minimality and irreducible algebras. Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra, 2019. (pdf)
13. T. Moraschini and J.G. Raftery. On prevarieties of logic. Algebra Universalis, 2019. (pdf)
12. P. Cintula, J. Gil-Férez, T. Moraschini, and F. Paoli. An abstract approach to multiset consequence relations. Review of Symbolic Logic, 2019. (pdf)
11. T. Moraschini, J.G. Raftery, and J.J. Wannenburg. Epimorphisms, definability and cardinalities. Studia Logica, 2019. (pdf)
10. T. Moraschini. A logical and algebraic characterization of adjunctions between generalized quasi-varieties. Journal of Symbolic Logic, 2018. (pdf)
9. T. Moraschini. A study of truth predicates in matrix semantics. Review of Symbolic Logic, 2018. (pdf)
8. T. Moraschini. A Computational glimpse at the Leibniz and Frege hierarchies. Annals of Pure and Applied Logic, 2018. (pdf)
7. G. Bezhanishvili, T. Moraschini, and J.G. Raftery. Epimorphisms in varieties of residuated structures. Journal of Algebra, 2017. (pdf)
6. T. Moraschini. The semantic isomorphism theorem in abstract algebraic logic. Annals of Pure and Applied Logic, 2016. (pdf)
5. J.M. Font and T. Moraschini. M-Sets and the representation problem. Studia Logica, 2015. (pdf)
4. T. Moraschini. On Everywhere strongly logifiable algebras. Reports on Mathematical Logic, 2015. (pdf)
3. J.M. Font and T. Moraschini. A Note on congruences of semilattices with sectionally finite height. Algebra Universalis, 2014.
2. J.M. Font and T. Moraschini. Logics of varieties, logics of semilattices, and conjunction. Logic Journal of the IGPL, 2014. (pdf)
1. T. Moraschini. An algebraic study of exactness in partial contexts. International Journal of Approximate Reasoning, 2014.
Book chapters and conference proceedings
4. T. Moraschini. A gentle introduction to the Leibniz hierarchy. To appear in J. Malinowski and R. Palczewski, editors, Janusz Czelakowski on Logical Consequence. Outstanding Contributions to Logic. Springer-Verlag, 2023. (pdf)
3. H. Albuquerque, J. M. Font, R. Jansana and T. Moraschini. Truth-Equational Logics, Full Models, and the Frege Hierarchy. In J. Czelakowski, editor, Don Pigozzi on Abstract Algebraic Logic and Universal Algebra, Outstanding Contributions to Logic. Springer-Verlag, 2018. (pdf)
2. R. Horčík, T. Moraschini and A. Vidal. An algebraic approach to the valued constraint satisfaction problem. In Proceedings of Computer Science in Logic, 2017.
1. J.M. Font and T. Moraschini. On the Logics Associated With a Given Variety of Algebras. In Proceedings of Trends in Logic XIII, 2014.